Atlys Customer Delight

  • Total activity 124
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Votes on activity by Atlys Customer Delight Recent activity Votes
  • How do I read my Bahamas Health visa?

    This is how your visa should look: Expires on: This is the date until which the visa is valid. It's 3 days from the COVID-19 test. This means that you need to enter the Bahamas on or before 11:59 ...

  • Can I use Atlys if I'm not a US citizen?

    Yes. Our mission is to enable every person on earth to travel freely. You can use Atlys regardless of your citizenship.

  • What should my COVID-19 test report contain?

    In order to be approved for your travel, your covid test should contain the following: Name of traveler:  This should match with your legal name. Type of test: The type of test you got - such as P...

  • Can I enter Germany using a Schengen visa issued by Italy?

    Yes, you can. A Schengen visa is valid in all 26 Schengen states.   While not recommended by the destination country, you can easily apply for a Schengen visa at any one of the 26 countries and use...

  • When should I get tested for COVID-19 to come back to the United States?

    What do I need to come back home? All US citizens need to get a viral test no more than 1 day before their flight back to the United States. The test is required to board your flight back home. Thi...

  • Do I need a 12 month lease before I apply for a D7 visa?

    Yes. You require a 12-month lease in order to apply for the visa. You can choose to apply without a lease, sign a waiver; however, your visa might not be approved in that case. We recommend reading...

  • How do I use Atlys if I live in Canada?

    Currently, Atlys is slowly expanding to Canada, and not all features are available. If you're in Canada: Continue the process as-is. On the address, put zip code as 12345 and state as AL. For stre...

  • What is an E-Visa?

    An e-visa is an electronic visa. The visa is digital and does not require a physical stamp on your passport. Several countries such as Turkey, India, and Vietnam are issuing e-visas to most travele...

  • When can I apply for Portugal D7 visa?

    The earliest you can apply for a D7 visa is 6 months before your planned departure in Portugal. This doesn't have to be exact but approximate. This is because FBI background checks required for the...

  • How can I mail-in a Schengen visa application?

    Travelers that have obtained a Schengen visa in the past 59 months and have a valid United States residence status are eligible to mail-in their applications. This means you can ship your passport ...